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Deep Tissue Massage

1 tim 50 min
990 danske kroner
Sipisaq Avannarleq

Beskrivelse af service

As the name suggests, deep tissue massage applies deep pressure onto specific trouble points. It feels very much like someone is torturing you on purpose by pushing into your knotted muscle, and the massage can leave you feeling sore. It's not just more pressure all over your body, however (which would be true torture), it's very specific, methodical treatment. This is not the kind of massage to ask for if you expect to feel relaxed during the therapy, and afterwards you might feel sore for a couple of days. Best for: Treating stiff, painful trouble spots like the shoulder and neck


Hvis du skal annullere, bedes du gøre det senest 24 timer før. Hvis din aflysning ikke er sket i tide, vil du blive opkrævet det fulde beløb. - In case you have to cancel, please do so no later than 24 hours before. If your cancellation is not done in time, you will be charged the full amount.


  • Therapeutic Massage and Therapy, Sipisaq Avannarleq, Nuuk, Greenland

    + 299 266722

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