L - Luxury
Hot Stone 60min,Stone facial masasge 10 min ,Foot Masasge 30 min or Suana 20 min.
Beskrivelse af service
Treat yourself to the ultimate in relaxation with Hot Stone massage's L-Luxury service. Our experienced professionals will use the finest quality natural stones to massage your body, allowing your muscles to relax and your stress to melt away. Enjoy a truly luxurious experience as you drift away into a blissful state of relaxation.
Hvis du skal annullere, bedes du gøre det senest 24 timer før. Hvis din aflysning ikke er sket i tide, vil du blive opkrævet det fulde beløb. - In case you have to cancel, please do so no later than 24 hours before. If your cancellation is not done in time, you will be charged the full amount.
Therapeutic Massage and Therapy, Sipisaq Avannarleq, Nuuk, Greenland
+ 299 266722